Mark Caserman

Mark Caserman


Mark Caserman is a creative graphic designer and animator. He is a media technician who revels in the details of projects; editing sound and video is his second nature. He says that he is constantly learning new programs and tricks that can be used in his projects. His research tools for the development and presentation of live visualisations have been presented multiple times within the V2V educational-performative platform.

Mark Caserman je kreativni grafik in animator. Je medijski tehnik, ki se rad spusti v podrobnosti projektov in ki mu je montiranje zvoka ter videa druga narava. Pravi, da se nenehno uči nove programe in trike, ki jih lahko uporabi na projektih. Svoja raziskovanja orodij za razvijanje in uprizarjanje živih vizualizacij je že večkrat predstavil v sklopu izobraževalno-performativne platforme V2V. foto @ DK

18:00 - 12:00
Metelkova (Gala Hala)


Before and after exhibition opening everyone is welcome to refresh on the summer garden of Gala Hala and to witness an unique fusion. V2V is moving from the hackers' quarters of Ljudmila's lab back into the open! In a one-evening group performance, representatives of the local graffiti, DJ and VJ scene will line up on the summer stage of Gala Hala. The event will be a mash-up of two artistic disciplines coming together at nightfall. A quartet of VJs and three DJs will accompany the graffiti writers with audio-reactive visualisations, created by four graffiti artists in black-and-white style. More >>

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