Reader in Law at City, University of London
izredni profesor, University of London
Enrico Bonadio is Reader in Intellectual Property Law at City, University of London and a street and graffiti art aficionado. His current research agenda focuses on the legal protection of non-conventional forms of creativity, amongst other areas. He recently edited the “Cambridge Handbook of Copyright in Street Art and Graffiti” (Cambridge University Press 2019) and “Non-Conventional Copyright – Do New and Atypical Works Deserve Protection?” (Elgar 2018). He is currently working on his monograph “Penetration of Copyright into Street Art and Graffiti Sub-Cultures” (Brill forthcoming 2022). Enrico is Member of the Editorial Board of the NUART Journal, which publishes provocative and critical writings on a range of topics relating to street art practice and urban art cultures.
1) Heather Shirey, Todd Lawrence & Paul Lorah: Archiving and Activism in Theory and in Practice: The George Floyd and Anti-Racist Street Art Database 2) Adem Ojulu, Frederica Simmons & Rachel Weiher: Memorializing a Movement: Making Permanent the Ephemeral 3) Alexander Paulsson: Of Tags and Trains: Graffiti as Edgework in Subterranean Stockholm 4) Panos Leventis: Re/Telling Di/Visions: Creative Urban Practices in the Contested Eastern Mediterranean 4) Enrico Bonadio: Preservation of Street Art and Graffiti under Copyright Law