Nibera (Bernarda Conič)

Nibera (Bernarda Conič)


Nibera (Bernarda Conič) completed her Master’s in visual communications at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. She works in the field of visual creativity, analogue and digital photography, collage, graphic design, animation, and VJ. For her Master’s thesis, titled Hearing Color, Seeing Sound: The Relationship between Sound and Color, she created the Spectrozator, an interactive audio-visual installation.


Nibera (Bernarda Conič) je Magistrica Oblikovanja vizualnih komunikacij in deluje na področju vizualnega ustvarjanja, katerega razsežnosti so jo ponesle na različne konce. Ukvarja se z analogno in digitalno fotografijo, kolažiranjem, grafičnim oblikovanjem, animacijo in vidžejanjem. Vedno pa jo je zanimal tudi zvok in njegov odnos z vizualnim. To se tudi odraža z interaktivno avdiovizualno instalacijo Spektrozator, ki je nastala v sklopu magistrske naloge z naslovom ‘‘Poslušati barvo, videti zvok: Odnos med vizualnim in zvočnim’.
foto @ DK

18:00 - 12:00
Metelkova (Gala Hala)


Before and after exhibition opening everyone is welcome to refresh on the summer garden of Gala Hala and to witness an unique fusion. V2V is moving from the hackers' quarters of Ljudmila's lab back into the open! In a one-evening group performance, representatives of the local graffiti, DJ and VJ scene will line up on the summer stage of Gala Hala. The event will be a mash-up of two artistic disciplines coming together at nightfall. A quartet of VJs and three DJs will accompany the graffiti writers with audio-reactive visualisations, created by four graffiti artists in black-and-white style. More >>

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