knnz (Neža Knez) is currently completing her studies of video and new media art at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design, University of Ljubljana. Her work is focused on multidisciplinary art and connects photography, CGI, animation and music, which she then presents in the form of video installations or VJ performances. These activities enable her to present otherwise two-dimensional works in new spatial dimensions. She is active in the meetings of the “V2V” community in the new media venue osmo/za (SI).
knnz (Neža Knez) je absolventka smeri Video in novi mediji na ALUO, ki se ukvarja z multidisciplinarno umetnostjo. V svojih delih povezuje fotografijo, CGI, animacijo in glasbo, ki jih predstavlja v formi video instalacij ali VJ-nastopov, saj ji to omogoča predstavitev sicer ploskovnih del v novih prostorskih razsežnostih. Aktivno sodeluje v okviru skupnostnih srečanj “V2V” v novomedijskem prizorišču osmo/za (SI).
foto @ DK
Before and after exhibition opening everyone is welcome to refresh on the summer garden of Gala Hala and to witness an unique fusion. V2V is moving from the hackers' quarters of Ljudmila's lab back into the open! In a one-evening group performance, representatives of the local graffiti, DJ and VJ scene will line up on the summer stage of Gala Hala. The event will be a mash-up of two artistic disciplines coming together at nightfall. A quartet of VJs and three DJs will accompany the graffiti writers with audio-reactive visualisations, created by four graffiti artists in black-and-white style. More >>