new media artists
BEAM TEAM (Stella Ivšek, Anja Romih) are new media artists focusing on live sound visualisation, animation, video production and scenography. As 5237 and SMECH, their VJ aliases, they have performed at various music and art festivals and events. In collaboration with the Ljudmila Art and Science Laboratory, they curate the monthly meetings of “V2V”, a programme dedicated to video art and installations as well as visualisations to further the development in these fields and form intensive collaborations in the local creative community.
BEAM TEAM (Stella Ivšek, Anja Romih) sta intermedijski umetnici, ki se ukvarjata z vizualizacijo zvoka, video animacijo in scenografijo, ter se kot VJ-ki s svojima aliasoma 5237 in SMECH že več let pojavljata na različnih glasbenih in umetniških festivalih in dogodkih. Z Društvom Ljudmila sodelujeta kot kuratorki programa “V2V”, ki je namenjeno ustvarjalcem na področju video umetnosti, video instalacij in vizualizacij.
foto @ DK
Before and after exhibition opening everyone is welcome to refresh on the summer garden of Gala Hala and to witness an unique fusion. V2V is moving from the hackers' quarters of Ljudmila's lab back into the open! In a one-evening group performance, representatives of the local graffiti, DJ and VJ scene will line up on the summer stage of Gala Hala. The event will be a mash-up of two artistic disciplines coming together at nightfall. A quartet of VJs and three DJs will accompany the graffiti writers with audio-reactive visualisations, created by four graffiti artists in black-and-white style. More >>